Friday, January 26, 2018

Chapter 5 – Reconnect or Move on

Partial Chapter from the book ''Love Poems: Are You The One?''

Chapter 5 – Reconnect or Move on

I’ve been through heartbreak before and I know some of you have too.  One of the hardest decisions that some people have to make is what to do when someone you used to love resurfaces.  If it was someone that you deeply cared about and was in love with at some point of time before, it’s very hard to automatically keep that door shut.  Of course, there are exceptions depending on how the relationship ended. 

One of the questions that comes to mind is, ‘’Do we reconnect or move on?’’  I’ve dealt with this situation before in my life.  The first question that comes to mind is, why did the relationship end?  Was it over a trust issue?  Or was it the wrong timing?  It’s very nerve wrecking to wonder about the consequences of rekindling love with a past relationship. Will it be the same outcome that leads to the end of the relationship or will it actually workout? 

When I was faced with this situation, I asked myself two things.  Am I different now?  Is my past love different as well?  Did either one of us grow or make any changes?  If we are the same people, what is going to make the situation work a second time around?  Every situation is different. 

In my opinion, I think that it’s best to make sure that any decision you make isn’t based on just emotions.  The challenge is to make a decision based on balanced judgment.  This means that you should do your best to not only take emotions into consideration, but also look at the practical elements around the situation as well.

One question that you should ask yourself is, ‘’Am I a better person with or without this person in my life?’’  The answer to that question will help your decision as you decide if you should give your past love a try or if you should keep that door closed.  What will the answer be? Should we ‘’Reconnect or Move on?’’

© Copyright 2013 By Steve Ryan
From the Book ''Love Poems Are You The One''.
EBook & Paperback available on Amazon 
Audiobook available on Audible