I want to open and share something with you. Recently, I was feeling down and having a moment that I felt lost and blocked. I just felt like I didn't have the energy inside to move forward. Things just seemed like a mountain. I felt overwhelmed, exhausted and fatigued. I'm always on the go and sometimes I just get lost in being so busy that I lose sight of things at times.
I'm in Nashville at the moment and when I met with one of my mentors yesterday, she made a statement that really touched me. She had no clue of how I was feeling so I knew this statement was meant for me to hear. She said, ''it's ok not to smile and be positive all the time. It's ok to have a moment when you feel down. Embrace it, go through it and then get out of it.'' Those were the words that I needed to hear. So I took what I was feeling and started writing, writing, writing. Song after song. I'm starting to feel a little better, not 100 percent, but I will get there. I thought I'd share how I was feeling with you all because this may help someone else who is going through something similar. Thanks for listening and reading this.
Much love ---- Steve Ryan
Check out Steve Ryan's book, ''Love Poems: Are You The One?''. Available in all bookstores and on kindle. Click Here to go to the book on Amazon.
Great words to live by!! Thanks for sharing!!