Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Repairing your Family Theme

Do you have family you haven’t seen?
This is the time to change that theme.
The holidays are a perfect bridge.
You can use dinner to repair any ridge.

It’s natural for families to have their fights.
It’s also ok to heal overnight.
Thanksgiving is a path to make amends.
You can do it with family or with friends.

This is the time the air is filled with merry.
Get rid of grudges and don’t let it carry.
Will you now change your theme?

Making amends is not as hard as it seems.

From the Book, ''Christmas Poetry for Everyone'' by Steve Ryan
Available in Paperback & Ebook on Amazon.
Available as an audiobook on Audible.
Visit Steve Ryan at www.SteveRyan.com


  1. So inspiring message . I miss my family! Thank you Steve! Iron Skillet

  2. This poem seems to be so nice and i cant stop reading this again and again!

